Press Release

During the fall of 2024, over 10,000 students from elementary, junior high and high schools around Illinois participated in a virtual audition process and of those auditions, more than 7,000 students were selected to participate in district festivals celebrating student musicians in bands, orchestras, choruses, and jazz ensembles. 

Students in grades 9-12 who participated in the ILMEA District Festivals are also eligible to be selected into ILMEA’s All-State Student Programs. This year, 1500 students were selected to participate in the Illinois Music Education Association’s 2025 All-State Student Programs in Peoria, Illinois from January 29-Feb. 1. In addition to the performing ensembles, this group also includes students who applied for and were accepted into the Future Music Educators Seminar for those students interested in pursuing careers as professional music educators, and students who entered the ILMEA Composition Contest and were selected to participate in the Composition Track. This is a unique and exciting track of events designed for exceptional students who are working in the areas of traditional composition, remix, singer/songwriter and other areas of music writing and production.

Emi Bail, sophomore, was selected to be a part of the All State choir as a Soprano 1. Emi is involved in Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, and Treble Choir at Byron High School. Emi’s parents are Andria & Joseph Bail.   Emi’s future plans are to get into voice acting or become a singer, or something music related.  Emi also have a huge passion for animals and would also like to work with them.  While in high school Emi is actively involved in the Illinois Music Educators Music Honor Society, Byron High School Art Club, National Honors Society, and volunteering for service hours around Byron Community.  Emi went to Ireland last year with the Byron Choir and is currently preparing to be on the Ambassadors of Music European Tour the summer of 2025.  Emi was shocked to have scored high enough to make the All-State choir, but very grateful for all the classmates, friends, and family who helped them gain the confidence to use their voice in such a positive way, especially Mrs. Harn.  Emi cannot wait to represent Byron High School at All-State this year!  Emi’s best advice that they can give to all future or current musicians is to “be patient with your career and have confidence in yourself to be the best you can be.  Learn to gain love and respect for yourself that nobody else could give you, and most importantly, be respectful and love those around you.  Music is all about peace, love, and passion and people need to feel that when they perform.  The happiness and love of making music can take you around the world.” Emi best memory of choir is coming in for rehearsals with the Chamber Choir for the Madrigal Dinner and getting to perform this dinner with all my people.  All the students I have come across I consider my family, and nothing short of an enjoyable time.

For the first time in the history of ILMEA, there has been the creation of a JR High All State Choir.  This choir is selected the same way the high school ensembles are chosen, based on their fall District audition scores.  Byron Middle School is pleased to announce that Gwen Brandt is the first Byron singer selected to be part of this ensemble.  Gwen’s parents are Ann and Jake Brandt.  She is involved in choir, band, basketball, volleyball, track, Builder’s Club, and Cheerleading.  Gwen is so excited to go to All-State and take the opportunity to sing with some of the best people in the State of Illinois.  Gwen’s words of wisdom to future musicians “Even if you don’t think you are a good singer, you can sing to your greatest abilities.” Gwen’s favorite choir memory has been going to District ILMEA choir festivals and making friends with so many people. 

The first level of the All State Choir experience begins with 4,5,6th grade students.  This year Byron has a 6th grade student who was nominated, and selected, for the 6th grade Elementary All State Choir. Kali Oltmanns, parents Alexis and Kole Oltmanns, has future plans of becoming a comic book author.  She is involved in Art Club, Girls Scouts at Byron Middle School.  Kali is very excited to be attending this event and thinks it will be very fun.  She is looking forward to meeting me people and making new friends.  Kali’s words of wisdom for future musicians are to “have fun and always work towards your goals”. Her favorite memory from middle school choir is singing karaoke with a group of her friends.

Students in the performing ensembles represent the best student musicians in Illinois that will come together to present a series of All-State Concerts. On Friday, January 31, 2025, Jazz Night Concert will feature a night of music performed by the student vocal and instrumental jazz ensembles. The All-State Elementary Chorus Concert, the All-State JR High Chorus Concert, the All-State Concert and the Honors Concerts will be presented on Saturday, February 1, 2025. Each of these ensembles will be led by distinguished conductors and educators from across the country.

The All-State Student Programs run concurrently with the Illinois Music Education Conference, the premier professional development opportunity for music educators in Illinois. This event brings over 12,000 students, educators, parents and music education industry vendors to the Peoria Civic Center to celebrate and promote music education in Illinois.

High School Choir All State Selection,  Emi Bail

Junior High All State Choir, Gwen Brandt & Kali Oltmanns