New Byron CUSD 226 app

Dear Families,

The Byron School District is excited to announce a new website that will go live, tomorrow Thursday, October 3rd!

Due to this transition, the website will be unavailable this afternoon between 3:00 and 7:00 pm. The website has been updated and careful consideration has been given to ease of use so that our students, parents, and community can quickly and easily have access to needed information.

This transition has also brought the availability of an app for the Byron Schools. Attached to this email is a document providing more information. The app, “Byron Schools” is available in the Apple and Android/Google web stores. This app will give you access to the website in a more mobile device friendly format.

In order to assist in the transition, please read through the helpful tips and tricks below:


  • “Menu” is where you are going to access most information on either the app or the website. Events, live feed, news and dining will be on the homepage of the website and the app.

    All other information is accessible through the “Menu” icon.

  • The top of the “Menu” are quick links. These icons will give you quick access to the Live Feed, Staff, News, Events, Dining, Documents, & Athletics.

  • Previously on our website, there were a lot of documents available through links. In order to reduce clicks and increase compatibility between the website and app, most of that has been moved to “Documents.” This is a great place to look for things like bell schedules, supply lists, handbooks, and lunch menus.

Byron Schools App:

  • All sites (district, Mary Morgan, BMS, & BHS) are accessible through the app. If you select “menu”, in the bottom left hand corner, you can switch through these “organizations”.

  • If you have a preferred organization (ie. you only have children enrolled at Mary Morgan), you can set that through the following: Menu→Settings (cog icon, lower right corner)-->Default Organization

  • The app will ask you to allow notifications. At this point, that is not a feature that will be used.

We are excited for these updates and hope that they help to make the school more accessible to our families and community. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to Ashley McGarry at or 815-234-5491 ext. 4106.